〔原産地〕 熱帯アフリカ
〔科・属名〕 リュウゼツラン科・ドラセナ属
〔性質〕 常緑低木(生育適温:20〜30℃)
"Fragrance Dracaena 'Massangeana'"
(Aka: Massan, happy tree, Nioisennenboku)
[Origin] of tropical Africa
[Family] name genus Dracaena genus Agavaceae
[Property] evergreen shrub (optimum temperature for growth: ℃ 20 ~ ℃ 30)
(See: マッサン(幸福の木))
Supermarket in the neighborhood, "" Tsuruya shop "central" in the transfer of the opening ceremonies, I got this plant as a gift. Also known as "Happy Tree".
This is my first plants. Just seeing them, will be healed. This is the first two weeks to grow. And vigorous plants. To nurture and care wither!
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