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生け花 Ikebana '11/3 W1

            Ikebana '11/3 W1, originally uploaded by Sennin Photos.





花材:レンギョウ  学名:Forsythia suspensa

スナップドラゴン 学名:Antirrhinum majus

谷ワタリ 学名:Asplenium antiquum

Flower arrangement in the first week in March 2011. What are flowers? ?

Antirrhinum majus let the feet of the clutter.

Forsythia suspensa is not too much clutter, to feel a little rough.

The roughly antiquum Asplenium.

Flower Material:

Scientific name: Forsythia suspensa

Scientific name: Antirrhinum majus

Scientific name: Asplenium antiquum

Ikebana '11/3 W1, originally uploaded by Sennin Photos.

Ikebana '11/3 W1, originally uploaded by Sennin Photos.

Ikebana '11/3 W1, originally uploaded by Sennin Photos.

Ikebana '11/3 W1, originally uploaded by Sennin Photos.

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