本町祭り Honcho Festival '10/6 W2, originally uploaded by Sennin Photos.
Pictures from the roof of the parking lot. Crane and street lamps. Can see the mountains in the distance. Overlapping layers of mountains is a mystery.途中で歩いていて現れたお寺の門。隣接する家の塀と駐車場の塀の対比がおもしろかったです。
The gate of the temple came the way they walk. It is an interesting contrast to the adjacent wall of the house and parking lot.
本町祭り Honcho Festival '10/6 W2, originally uploaded by Sennin Photos.
お寺の隣の隣にあった、洋食屋さん「カウボーイレストラン ピッグパスチャー」の前にあった馬の銅像です。勇敢!
I found a statue of a horse. Western shop "Cowboy Restaurant Big Pasture" is in front of. Brave!
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