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戸隠神社 奥社 Togakushi Shrine Okusha '10/5 W2 千社札

          Togakushi Shrine Okusha '10/5 W2, originally uploaded by Sennin Photos.

 千社札(せんしゃふだ)とは神社や仏閣に参拝をした記念として貼る、自分の名前入りの札のこと。元来は木板で作られていたが、江戸時代以降は紙が用いられることが多いのだそうです。(参考:千社札 - Wikipedia



Senshafuda is a note with my name pasted as commemoration to visit the Shinto shrine and the temple. Originally though it was made from the wooden board, Edo period.

I want to take in the photograph looking for Senshafuda whenever the Shinto shrine will be visited in the future.

          Togakushi Shrine Okusha '10/5 W2, originally uploaded by Sennin Photos.


This lantern at the Zuijin gate.

Each design is different according to the Shinto shrine. These designs' coming round the Shinto shrine to which it is very interesting, and has not been yet becomes the enjoyment.

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上田市, 長野県, Japan
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