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戸隠神社 奥社 Togakushi Shrine Okusha '10/5 W2 vol.2

          Togakushi Shrine Okusha '10/5 W2, originally uploaded by Sennin Photos.




This is the cedar trees. It is a scene of the approach leading to Okusha. (Photo view taken from the other side to back. Zuijinmon are visible in the distance.)

This road was very high towering cedar trees on both sides. Powerful presence of cedar trees!

This place is Japan's "power spot" is well-known place. When I came to this magical place, so I felt the breath of life.

I recommend this place. This year's ranking "site visit" This will go among the top.

          Togakushi Shrine Okusha '10/5 W2, originally uploaded by Sennin Photos.

          Togakushi Shrine Okusha '10/5 W2, originally uploaded by Sennin Photos.

 こちらは杉並木から撮影した随神門の裏側。杉との対比がとてもきれいです。 This is taken from the back of the cedar trees Zuijinmon. The contrast is very beautiful cedar and Red Gate.    

 杉の根を撮影しました。とても生き生きとした杉の表情を見て、以前訪れた屋久島の屋久杉のことを思い出しました。 We shot the roots of cedar. When I saw the look of a very lively and cedar, Yakushima Yakusugi remembered previously visited. .    
          Togakushi Shrine Okusha '10/5 W2, originally uploaded by Sennin Photos.

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